A Coaching Model to Drive Lasting Results

When a leader begins her or his coaching engagement and genuinely desires to improve, incredible things happen. Leaders create exceptional value for organizations, and the results are long-term.  How do the most successful leaders do it?

The foundational coaching model for Together Evolving is built upon leaders who master the ability to partner with a coach, to trust the process, and to improve the quality of their lives.  The beauty of this model is that it can be applied within the leadership role and outside of the leadership role.  Clients often use it to positively impact relationships with family and with themselves. 

First, make observations.

  • Start with awareness.  Meet yourself where you are today honestly and kindly.  Ask the following:

    • What is my understanding of my current reputation as a leader?  How do I know this is true?

    • What are my leadership strengths and areas for opportunity?

  • When you clearly understand where you are now, move to assessment.  Ask the following:

    • Which behavior changes would be most impactful for me in my leadership role?

    • Why is it important for me to make these changes?

Next, move to intention.

  • Time to set goals and take action.  Ask the following:

    • As specifically as possible: What is the result I am seeking?  How will I create this result? 

    • How am I building in accountability to make meaningful progress toward this result?

  • Incrementally work toward goal achievement.  Ask the following:

    • When will I know that I achieved the desired result?

    • How will I know if this was not the ideal goal for me now? What else can I do to move forward?

Achievement is a pause.  It is a celebration no matter what you learned.  Following a period of reflection, begin again with awareness.  The model evolves as you evolve.  It is ready when you are. You determine the pace of each step forward.

If you would like to work with a coach and experience the remarkable impact of this model in your own life,  send me an email at katie.stone@togetherevolving.com.  

Katie Stone is the founder of Together Evolving.  Email Katie at katie.stone@togetherevolving.com to learn more about the transformational impact coaching can have on you and your leadership.


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