Leadership Development: Book & TV Recommendations for 2023

The following books and shows stood out to me this year. If you’re looking for some thoughtful content to end the year, check them out. Wishing you a peaceful holiday season.


Though some of these books were written prior to 2023, their wisdom found me this year.

Smart Growth by Whitney Johnson

I founded Together Evolving in 2023, and this book allowed me to appreciate where I am right now. The smart growth curve is an excellent way to understand where you are in your career and to gain clarity on where you want to go.

So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

Prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as leaders creates environments where people thrive.  It encourages leaders have healthy conversations about race and racism.  The opportunity to grow from getting uncomfortable humbles me and helps me get better, one conversation at a time.

How to Know a Person by David Brooks

Post-pandemic, this book emphasizes the importance of community, of listening, and of learning about people. Take a genuine interest in someone and hear their story to deepen the way we connect. I’m passionate about relationships, and this book gave new insight on the importance of developing them.

Leading with Dignity by Donna Hicks

A client recommended this book in January, and she started my year off with a powerful read. The author's definition and description of dignity in leadership had me turning pages quickly. A fundamental read on leadership that benefits leaders at every level.


Leaders emerge on every show. These real-life and fictional characters left impressions on me.


Leading through the most difficult of circumstances, David Beckham's response to the (overwhelming) criticism of his performance in the World Cup surprised me.  Emotional intelligence is on display during many moments of his career.


This documentary could not have chosen three more diverse styles of QB, one of whom took home the Super Bowl trophy.  Learn from their intense practice routines, the ways they care for their bodies, and the time they take to nurture relationships with family and friends.

The Crown

As this series wraps, I reflect on the number of Prime Ministers who visited and sought counsel from Queen Elizabeth.  These scenes are among the best of the show.  Elizabeth's leadership through decades is unwavering.  Her loyalty is her hallmark.


Yep, it makes my list; it edged out Ted Lasso's final season (not his best).  I watch every season of this show, and it amazes me how the topics of trust, relationship building, resilience, and fortitude present themselves. Leaders always emerge, and they may not always win.

Dr. Katie Stone is the founder of Together Evolving.  Email Katie at katie.stone@togetherevolving.com to learn more about the transformational impact coaching has on you and your leadership.


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