Action: Set One Boundary This Week

This series of blog posts focuses on the Action component of the Together Evolving model. To achieve lasting results, take one intentional step forward at a time.

Setting boundaries feels like a large undertaking.  Rather than thinking about every area you want boundaries, observe your current behaviors, note what would help you most, and set one boundary.  Grab your journal and answer these questions to get started:

  • What three words or phrases describe how I want to feel at the end of a productive, energizing day?

  • What specific circumstances set me up for that kind of day? 

  • The last time I felt depleted, can I recall what specific events led to the exhaustion?  

  • Looking at my calendar for the coming week, what days look most/least stressful? Why?

After writing down your answers, schedule 20 minutes on your calendar to reflect and determine one boundary.  Could it be having at least 30 minutes between meetings?  Disconnecting from work at a certain time each day? Prioritizing a morning walk three days next week?  As tempting as it may be to set multiple boundaries, stick to one. 

When your one boundary is clear and something inevitably challenges it, pause to consider options.  Boundaries are not walls; rather, they are like the tides that ebb and flow to serve you where you are now.  Make changes to the boundary when it serves you. Fail to hold the boundary and look for the 'why' before committing to it again.  When you are comfortable with the process, use the same steps to create future boundaries. 

This activity forces you to recognize the trade-offs of a boundary. Freedom comes from knowing you cannot do everything and intentionally choosing how you spend your time.  The process of identifying boundaries reinforces priorities and defines the ingredients necessary to be your best self - the person who can give more, be more, and do more.

Take action and start with one boundary.

Dr. Katie Stone is the founder of Together Evolving.  Email Katie at to learn more about the transformational impact coaching has on you and your leadership.


The No-Agenda 1:1 Meeting


Experiencing indecision? Use this worksheet.